Monday, February 8, 2010

(Children's) Shabbat School!

Dear KD Family,
I want to relate how Shabbat School experienced this historic day as well.
I was teaching, so I didn't know what had occurred until I listened to the CD of the service.
Our lesson was on listening to the voice of God. The older children made a prayer journal and the younger kids completed a craft around the verse," Speak Lord your servant is listening."
[That day, I was not as prepared as usual, so was praying all morning for the Lord's guidance. Without worrying about it, I simply did what I had planned and followed what came to mind!]
After they had finished, we sat on the floor in a circle to pray and I asked if anyone wanted to share what they had written in their prayer journals. After a long pause, Cassie said she didn't have a prayer exactly, but she wanted to share her dream. She said she wants to be a singer when she grows up. So I prayed for God to give her wisdom and insight on how to sing to glorify Him. The children were very quiet again. Then Lexi said she wants to be a policeman, and Luke said he wants to be a fireman. Soon everyone had shared their dreams and we prayed for each person to be led by God to grow into the dream that God has given them. Then we moved on to acting out the crossing of the Red Sea. It didn't feel prophetic or historic, but God met us as we moved through our morning!
Shalom to all,
Ginny Powers

Thank you, Ginny.  Your ministry and oversight of the children's ministry (SS) is so weighty before God.  What an impact you and those investing their lives and God's Word in our children has!!  I am so jealous (w/ a godly jealousy - 2 Cor. 11:2).  We impart not only the gospel of our God but also our own souls, because they are dear to us (I Thess. 2:8).   

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