Monday, February 27, 2012

Where Do We Meet with G-d?

Rabbi Ken Alpren
Sermon Notes by Teresa Bennett, Pharm.D.

The Mishkan was the portable Tabernacle or tent built by the Israelites in the desert and was a place for G-d’s presence to dwell. It was divided by curtains into an inner and outer court. The inner court held the Ark which contained the two Stone Tablets and the outer court contained the Bread of the Presence, the Menorah and the Golden Altar of Incense.

The focus of the Tabernacle was to worship and to enter into His Presence and manifest His Divine Forgiveness.

Exodus 25:22, ‘There I will meet with you. I will speak with you from above the ark-cover, from between the two k'ruvim which are on the ark for the testimony, about all the orders I am giving you for the people of Isra'el.’

Later Solomon’s Temple was built as a permanent structure but was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E. and then later, Herod’s Temple was built but was destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70. It was at that time the centrality of Jewish life was shifted to the synagogues.

The Tabernacle was not very large; measuring approximately 30 by 15 feet in the outer court and 15 by 15 feet in the inner court. The Ark or ‘arown in Hebrew was about 45 inches wide, and 27 inches high and deep.

The primary purpose of the Mishkan was to provide a place where man might meet with G-d. It was not intended to be a place for horizontal interaction among people, but a vertical intersection with G-d Himself!

The Ark Cover or Lid above the Ark is the Kaporet; the place of atonement! This is misinterpreted as the Mercy Seat. The correct word is Kaporet or Place of Atonement.

It is where the cherubim were looking down at the blood shed and placed by the High Priest once yearly on Yom Kippur. G-d would look down and sins would be forgiven!

G-d said He would meet with us there. The word for ‘meet’ in Hebrew is ‘ya’ad’ which is the root word from which ‘moadim’ is derived and is used in Leviticus 23 when the festivals of the L-rd are described as appointed times when G-d meets with us. In meeting Him we transcend time and space and really enter in what may be conveyed as a fifth dimension.

Ya’ad reversed is Yada which the word for knowing, intimate union and knowledge as was described with Adam and Eve; we know the L-rd as He speaks to us and reveals Himself to us.
In Exodus 25:22, G-d says not only will He meet with us but He will also speak to us. The word used is ‘davar’. Davar means the real thing! He only speaks the real thing or He doesn’t speak! When G-d speaks we are changed.

The Kaporet was the supreme feature of the Mishkan; the true meeting place from where He would speak.

‘Aron represents G-d’s holiness with the Torah (tablets) or Law inside. The Kaporet or lid represents G-d’s grace, forgiveness and atonement. We don’t meet with Him in our sins or our own righteousness! We only meet with Him is in His finished work where the blood has been placed on the Kaporet.

Romans 3:25, ‘God put Yeshua forward as the kaparah for sin through his faithfulness in respect to his bloody sacrificial death. This vindicated God's righteousness; because, in his forbearance, he had passed over [with neither punishment nor remission] the sins people had committed in the past.’

The Greek word for kaporah is ‘hilastērion’; the place of propitiation. Atonement provided by offering a substitute.

Numbers 7:89, ‘When Moshe went into the tent of meeting in order to speak with ADONAI, he heard the voice speaking to him from above the ark-cover on the ark for the testimony, from between the two k'ruvim; and he spoke to him.’

The wings of the cherubim formed a canopy approximately 30-40 inches across with the angel’s faces looking downward at the kaporet; looking at the blood having been placed there. They were looking at the forgiveness of sin!

1Peter 1:12, ‘It was revealed to them that their service when they spoke about these things was not for their own benefit, but for yours. And these same things have now been proclaimed to you by those who communicated the Good News to you through the Ruach HaKodesh sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things!’

It is as if the angels long to understand the amazing finished work of the Messiah. Have you come to the realization that your sins are truly forgiven in Him? It is almost incomprehensible how much He loves us and it is by His Mercy He has forgiven us not by our works.

1 John 4:10, ‘Here is what love is: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the kapparah for our sins.’

Romans 3:24-25, ‘By God's grace, without earning it, all are granted the status of being considered righteous before him, through the act redeeming us from our enslavement to sin that was accomplished by the Messiah Yeshua. 25 God put Yeshua forward as the kaparah for sin through his faithfulness in respect to his bloody sacrificial death. This vindicated God's righteousness; because, in his forbearance, he had passed over [with neither punishment nor remission] the sins people had committed in the past.’

We meet the L-rd in His finished work!

How did Eliyahu (Elijah) meet and hear from the L-rd?

As recorded in 1 Kings 19, Eliyahu was full of self-pity. Ironically, the events recorded in 1Kings 19 were immediately after an amazing victory against the prophets of Ba’al. What happened to make Eliyahu loose confidence in the L-rd so much so that he wanted to die?

1 Kings 19:2, ‘Then Izevel sent a messenger to say to Eliyahu, "May the gods do terrible things to me and worse ones besides if by this time tomorrow I haven't taken your life, just as you took theirs!"’

The words of a powerful woman greatly affected him!

1 Kings 19:4b ‘"Enough!" he said. "Now, ADONAI, take my life. I'm no better than my ancestors."’

This passage could also be translated: ‘Too much, now, L-RD. Take my life. I’m no good.’

Twice in this chapter an angel ‘jolted’ him to get up and eat! He did eat and drink what was provided him by the angel and was able to travel for forty days and nights on that provision until he came to a cave and then the L-rd spoke to him.

1 Kings 19:9, ‘There he went into a cave and spent the night. Then the word of ADONAI came to him; he said to him, "What are you doing here, Eliyahu?"’

G-d was questioning him getting him to look at himself! He was disheartened, cynical, hard-hearted and judgmental.

The passage continues as the L-rd takes him out of the cave to see the mighty blast of wind, an earthquake, fire and then he hears a quiet subdued voice!

1 Kings 19:12-13, ‘After the earthquake, fire broke out; but ADONAI was not in the fire. And after the fire came a quiet, subdued voice. 13 When Eliyahu heard it, he covered his face with his cloak, stepped out and stood at the entrance to the cave. Then a voice came to him and said, "What are you doing here, Eliyahu?"’

It was in the still silent sound which can also be interpreted as the voice of crushed silence that the L-rd spoke!

Even so, he laments that he is the only one left. He was self absorbed! But G-d has no part of his complaint. Gives him an assignment as well as instructions to raise up Elisha!

As with Eliyahu, G-d makes the point that it isn’t all about us and that we are not indispensable. We need to get busy serving G-d and raising up others!

Further Reading: Psalm 80:1, 99:1, John 19:30, Galatians 2:16, 1 Chronicles 28:11, Titus 3:5, Hebrews 4:2, 1 John 4:19, Revelation 1:5, 13:8, John 3:14-15, 17, Daniel 10:19-20, Psalm 62:11-12

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Not Good

Rabbi Ken Alpren
Sermon Notes: Teresa Bennett, Pharm.D.

Yitro, commonly known as Jethro, was Moses’ father in law.

Exodus 18:1, ‘Now Yitro the priest of Midyan, Moshe's father-in-law, heard about all that God had done for Moshe and for Isra'el his people, how ADONAI had brought Isra'el out of Egypt.’

Yitro heard what G-d had done and went to find them! He was compelled to go find Moses and the Israelites because he was a seeker of truth.

Exodus 18:5, ‘Yitro Moshe's father-in-law brought Moshe's sons and wife to him in the desert where he was encamped, at the mountain of God.’

Notice how Moses greets Yitro.

Exodus 18:7, ‘Moshe went out to meet his father-in-law, prostrated himself and kissed him. Then, after inquiring of each other's welfare, they entered the tent.’

Here is Moses right after leading the Israelites out of Egypt and witnessing all the miracles there, but he submits to Yitro out of respect, honor and gratitude.

Moses tells Yitro all G-d had done. Notice Moses was not focused on all he had done or what happened to Moses, but his focus was on the L-rd and what He had done!

Exodus 18:8, ‘Moshe told his father-in-law all that ADONAI had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for Isra'el's sake, all the hardships they had suffered while traveling and how ADONAI had rescued them.’

Yitro listened to Moses’ account and then responding in praise!

Exodus 18:9-10, ‘Moshe told his father-in-law all that ADONAI had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for Isra'el's sake, all the hardships they had suffered while traveling and how ADONAI had rescued them. 9 Yitro rejoiced over all the good that ADONAI had done for Isra'el by rescuing them from the Egyptians.’

It is at this point we see a remarkable confession! Yitro puts his trust in the G-d of Israel! Now he knows!

Exodus 18:11, ‘“Now I know that ADONAI is greater than all other gods, because he rescued those who were treated so arrogantly."’

He then demonstrates his faith by his works.
Exodus 18:12, ‘Yitro Moshe's father-in-law brought a burnt offering and sacrifices to God, and Aharon came with all the leaders of Isra'el to share the meal before God with Moshe's father-in-law.’

The Hebrew word for burnt offering is ‘olah’; a sacrifice in which the entire offering was burnt to a crisp with nothing left. This word is related to ‘aliyah’ which means to ascend or go up.

Because Yitro was a seeker of truth, a good listener, one who responded to the L-rd’s word and work, confessed in Whom he placed his trust and was a doer of the word or acted upon it, he had discernment and was able to give Moses valuable advice.

Yitro watches at Moses judges the people.

Exodus 18:13-17, ‘The following day Moshe sat to settle disputes for the people, while the people stood around Moshe from morning till evening. 14 When Moshe's father-in-law saw all that he was doing to the people, he said, "What is this that you are doing to the people? Why do you sit there alone, with all the people standing around you from morning till evening?" 15 Moshe answered his father-in-law, "It's because the people come to me seeking God's guidance. 16 Whenever they have a dispute, it comes to me; I judge between one person and another, and I explain to them God's laws and teachings."’

Yitro announces ‘Lo tov’ or not good! And he tells him why it isn’t good.

Exodus 18:18-19, ‘Moshe's father-in-law said to him, "What you are doing isn't good. 18 You will certainly wear yourself out - and not only yourself, but these people here with you as well. It's too much for you - you can't do it alone, by yourself.’

Why do we wear out and experience fatigue? Do we insist on doing everything ourselves? Maybe we have a ‘savior complex’ thinking we are the only ones who can do whatever it is we are doing. We will wear ourselves out!

Maybe we tend to be like Marta as recorded in Luke 10 rather than like her sister Miryam who sat at the feet of Yeshua. Maybe we are going about ‘nervous service’ trying to do it all ourselves. A good leader delegates to other people things that need to be done so the leader can better do all the things only he can do.

Another reason for burning out is that we tend not to wait on the L-rd. We attempt to do His service in our strength! However, if we wait on the L-rd He promises to renew us!

Isaiah 40:28-31, ‘Haven't you known, haven't you heard that the everlasting God, ADONAI, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not grow tired or weary? His understanding cannot be fathomed. 29 He invigorates the exhausted, he gives strength to the powerless. 30 Young men may grow tired and weary, even the fittest may stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in ADONAI will renew their strength, they will soar aloft as with eagles' wings; when they are running they won't grow weary, when they are walking they won't get tired.’

Another reason for burn out is getting discouraged as we can loose sight of the reward.

Galatians 6:9, ‘So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we don't give up, we will in due time reap the harvest.’

When we obey Him and draw strength from Him, He calls us His special treasure or ‘segullah’.

Exodus 19:5-6, ‘“Now if you will pay careful attention to what I say and keep my covenant, then you will be my own treasure from among all the peoples, for all the earth is mine; 6 and you will be a kingdom of cohanim for me, a nation set apart.'These are the words you are to speak to the people of Isra'el.’"’

In order to avoid ‘lo tov’ or ‘not good’, we must learn to delegate properly. We must pray before picking as Yeshua did recorded in Luke 6. He prayed and was given wisdom and discernment and prophetic insight before choosing His talmidim.

Delegate to those who are people of competence and character; who have been given gifts and have demonstrated wisely the fruits of their gifts. Those who are fearers of G-d, mighty men who are honest and firm men who are faithful.

Moses was humble and took Yitro’s advice!

Exodus 18:24, ‘Moshe paid attention to his father-in-law's counsel and did everything he said.’

Following these examples, wise delegation was recorded in Acts 6 and the Gospel spread.

Acts 6:7, ‘So the word of God continued to spread. The number of talmidim in Yerushalayim increased rapidly, and a large crowd of cohanim were becoming obedient to the faith.’

Let us take heed to this wise counsel.

Further Reading: James 1:21-22, John 9:25, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Malachi 3:17, Revelation 22:12, Proverbs 29:25

Monday, February 6, 2012

When the Enemy Comes in Like a Flood

Rabbi Ken Alpren
Sermon Notes by Teresa Bennett, Pharm.D.

Just three short days after experiencing the miracle of deliverance from the Egyptians by passing through the Sea on dry ground, the Israelites began complaining.

Exodus 15:24, ‘The people grumbled against Moshe and asked, "What are we to drink?"’

How quickly we forget what He has done for us! How can we keep from sinning? Treasuring the Word in our hearts, persevering through trials, singing the Word to Him and even dancing like Miryam did in Exodus 15 can help us keep from sinning.

Psalm 119:11, ‘I treasure your word in my heart, so that I won't sin against you.’

Revelation 3:10, ‘Because you did obey my message about persevering, I will keep you from the time of trial coming upon the whole world to put the people living on earth to the test.’

Colossians 3:16, ‘let the Word of the Messiah, in all its richness, live in you, as you teach and counsel each other in all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude to God in your hearts.’

What we celebrate in our victories we often forget in our difficulties! This was clearly demonstrated by the Israelites when they complained to Moses about the lack of water just three days after their deliverance.

Three days before, the Israelites were trapped at the Sea and were overwhelmed in fear as the Egyptians approached. They were certain they would all die. But our end is His beginning if we turn ourselves over to Him!

2 Corinthians 1:9, ‘In our hearts we felt we were under sentence of death. However, this was to get us to rely not on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead!’

When the Israelites were crying out in fear, Moses lifted up the Standard!

Exodus 14:11-13, ‘and said to Moshe, "Was it because there weren't enough graves in Egypt that you brought us out to die in the desert? Why have you done this to us, bringing us out of Egypt? 12 Didn't we tell you in Egypt to let us alone, we'll just go on being slaves for the Egyptians? It would be better for us to be the Egyptians' slaves than to die in the desert!" 13 Moshe answered the people, "Stop being so fearful! Remain steady, and you will see how ADONAI is going to save you. He will do it today - today you have seen the Egyptians, but you will never see them again!’

When the enemy comes in like a flood, lift up Yeshua; He is the Standard!

Isaiah 59:19, (New King James Version), ‘So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood,
The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.’

Philippians 1:20, ‘It all accords with my earnest expectation and hope that I will have nothing to be ashamed of; but rather, now, as always, the Messiah will be honored by my body, whether it is alive or dead.’

As we lift up Yeshua, G-d takes care of the enemy!

Learn from Messiah! What did He do every day?

Isaiah 50:4-5, ‘Adonai ELOHIM has given me the ability to speak as a man well taught, so that I, with my words, know how to sustain the weary. Each morning he awakens my ear to hear like those who are taught. 5 Adonai ELOHIM has opened my ear, and I neither rebelled nor turned away.’

He listened before He spoke as should we! Weigh your words because words are weighty!

Matthew 12:36, ‘“Moreover, I tell you this: on the Day of Judgment people will have to give account for every careless word they have spoken.”’

The Israelites spoke out of their own flesh and fear and Moses spoke out of the L-rd’s leading and Life.

Moses said five things to the people and then the L-rd said something to Moses.

Do not fear, ‘yarah’, stand yourselves up, ‘yatsav’, see His salvation/deliverance , ‘ra’ah yeshu’ah’, the L-rd will fight for you, ‘lacham’ and you will be quiet, ‘charaysh’.

Just as the the L-rd saw to the deliverance of the people at the Sea, He did so as recorded in Genesis 22 at the provision of the Ram in place of Isaac! The Hebrew word used in this passage is also ‘yarah’.

The word ‘lacham’ is similar to ‘lechem’ or bread in Hebrew, and in this passage can be translated, ‘He will eat the enemy up’; so don’t fear!

When Moses said, ‘charaysh’, he was telling them not to speak or hear; not to communicate at all!

What did the L-rd say to Moses?

Exodus 14:15, ‘“ADONAI asked Moshe, "Why are you crying to me? Tell the people of Isra'el to go forward!”’

The Hebrew word to go forward is ‘nasa’, which means to pull out (tent pegs) and set forward.

There is a time to stand still and a time to go forward. In this case, the L-rd was directing them to go forward so they would not be stuck or paralyzed as they witnessed the great miracle.

The Israelites did go forward; their crossing may have taken the entire night. Notice how they were protected.

Exodus 14:19-20, ‘Next, the angel of God, who was going ahead of the camp of Isra'el, moved away and went behind them; and the column of cloud moved away from in front of them and stood behind them. 20 It stationed itself between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Isra'el - there was cloud and darkness here, but light by night there; so that the one did not come near the other all night long.’

Isaiah 52:12, ‘You need not leave in haste, you do not have to flee; for ADONAI will go ahead of you, and the God of Isra'el will also be behind you.’

When the enemy comes in like a flood, we know that G-d will protect us! Raise up the Standard, pray and go forward as His Body of Believers, in the calling He has for you and in service to Him and to others.

Further Reading: Psalm 27:1-3, 2 Chronicles 20:2-3, 6, 12-17, 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, 2:14-15, 2 Corinthians 7:5, Proverbs 21:1, Revelation 12:9-10,14,17, Isaiah 49:2, John 5:30, 6:63, 12:48-49, Proverbs 10:19, 17:27, 2 Peter 3:16