Shalom Mishpacha shel Kol Dodi (Family of KD),
How grateful we are for this past weekend! After a wonderful “Resurrection” Shabbat Morning Service, filled with worship, a special song from Russ an’ da band, and teaching on Yeshua’s Resurrection from a Jewish perspective (order the tape from Nathan - 615-974-3819) - that evening we had the best congregational Passover Seder I can remember!
So many helped and made it so special. We laughed, we cried, we sang, we learned. The food was delish - yea Chef Laura! JoAnn shared a glorious testimony of God’s miraculous healing hand through prayer! I mentioned in the Shabbat sermon that God wants to use signs and the Scriptures, wonders and His Word - in convincing people of His reality (e.g. Yeshua used both in Luke 24). Yes, on our Seder night we made new friends, as we enjoyed spiritual Family. But nothing can top the testimony of Jill and Michael, which I share now with you. In Jill’s words:
“We had such a fantastic day yesterday! That was our first Seder as a family and it was very moving. When we arrived home I asked the kids what they had learned and the conversation took a delightful turn when Jason, our 5 year old, asked to pray to receive Yeshua. Praise the Lord! (Our older two children Cassie and Noah had previously prayed likewise.) SO many reasons for praise!!”
When I spoke with Jill about it the next day, she said, “First fruits!” - which is exactly the case!
The day of First fruits follows Passover and Unleavened Bread. The people of Israel were always to bring the first and best of their harvest to God in biblical times (Ex. 23:19); God would bless them and much more would follow. When we give our first fruits to the Lord - much more will follow (Prov.3:9-10).
Yeshua was the first fruits from the dead when raised by His Father - many more will follow (I Cor. 15:20,23). Our new birth through God’s Word makes us first fruits to God (Js. 1:18). We’ve received the Ruach (Spirit) of the Lord as the first fruits of much more to follow. I remember giving my life to the Lord in a predominantly Jewish and secular high school - I was the first fruits in my area - and many more followed! We had a revival in our school! The household of Stephanas was the first fruits of Greece to the Lord (I Cor. 16:15), and Jason’s new birth is the first fruits of this 2010 New Year Passover season to God (Ex. 12:2) - Halleluyah! Many more will follow!
Actually, several more already did, as three people came forward to give their lives to Yeshua after our Passover Presentation at El Shaddai Spanish Congregation on Sunday!
While we count down the fifty days until Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks, we look forward to observing Yom haShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), and celebrating Israel’s Independence Day, both in April this year.
There’s no better time than to be found praying with HaShem’s Kiddushim (saints) beginning this Wednesday from 6-7:30pm - read Acts 1:12-14, 2:1. This was what the early followers of Yeshua were doing, and look at how God responded!
See you Wednesday evening & blessed First fruits!
Rabbi Ken Alpren
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
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